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  • 1.  Operations Manual for Historic Site/Landmark

    Posted 04-20-2015 09:46 AM

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm creating an operations manual for a 200-year-old landmark and historic site, Baltimore's Washington Monument which will reopen soon after an extensive restoration project. I've found good advice, here and there, but know that I'd be foolish not to source this crowd. 

    I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has done this before, and/or has a handbook (or table of contents) they'd be willing to share.) My contents currently includes: (1) FAQs; (2) Comment Log (staff notes for improving guest experience, operations); (3) Procedures (opening-closing; admissions/ticketing); (4) Policies (what guests are/aren't allowed to bring & do; on demonstrations, soliciting, etc); (5) Health & Safety of Guests; (6) Guest Services (creating a great guest experience; exhibit/historical background; site challenges); (7) Site & Exhibit Maintenance; (8) Administration (job descriptions; forms).

    Many thanks, in advance.



    Dean Krimmel, Creative Museum Services
    Exhibit Developer/Interpretive Planner
    Baltimore MD

  • 2.  RE: Operations Manual for Historic Site/Landmark

    Posted 04-21-2015 10:40 AM

    Hi Dean,

    Please remember to include a section on Accessibility, re-iterating what people who will be working/volunteering at the site would get in their training on access issues. 



    Claudia Ocello
    President & CEO
    Museum Partners Consulting
    Morristown NJ

  • 3.  RE: Operations Manual for Historic Site/Landmark

    Posted 04-22-2015 01:01 PM

    We are working on several items for an operations manual as well.. I would say a section about volunteers... expectations, job descriptions, policies is a good section to have.

     We also get a lot of people who come in wanting to donate items... so donation policies are good to have so everyone knows how to handle these situations.

    Leah Murray
    Executive Director
    Shelton McMurphey Johnson House
    Eugene OR

  • 4.  RE: Operations Manual for Historic Site/Landmark

    Posted 07-13-2015 04:26 PM

    How's that manual coming, Dean?  Are you willing to share?  We are in the planning stages of establishing an Historical Museum at an historic site in central Wisconsin and your manual sounds like a GREAT idea.  If you're willing, please send to my Director of Admin at

    Daniel Zimmerman USA, Retired
    Ripon WI

  • 5.  RE: Operations Manual for Historic Site/Landmark

    Posted 07-14-2015 12:27 PM

    Daniel, glad you followed up on this. I ended up producing a "working" manual that we used to train staff and get everyone through opening weekend. Not long after starting my work, I realized that a new site would be best served by a work-in-progress, something to be refined and built upon, if not completed, by those who run the place. To that end, it's now the Site Manager's job to "finish" the manual.

    I've asked my client if they'd be willing to share the manual with you and others. Will let you know as soon as I hear. Meanwhile, here's the intro and table of contents. I should point out that we decided to create a separate employee's manual.


    This Operations Manual describes policies and procedures designed to ensure the operation and maintenance of the Washington Monument as a welcoming public venue that provides guests with maximum access to the site while safeguarding the site, its exhibits and collections, other guests, and staff. It is a work-in-progress which by definition will evolve as the staff begins to interact with the public and transforms the Monument from a building restoration project to an active historical site and visitor destination.



    1. Contacts
    2. Health and Safety Procedures

     Visitor Experience

    1. FAQs
    2. Creating a Great Visitor Experience
    3. Visitor Services Policies
    4. About the Monument & MVPC [Mt Vernon Place Conservancy]                   


    1. Routines & Maintenance
    2. Administration
    3. Daily Log


    Dean Krimmel
    Exhibit Developer/Interpretive Planner
    Baltimore MD

  • 6.  RE: Operations Manual for Historic Site/Landmark

    Posted 07-15-2015 11:44 AM


    Here are some thoughts about issues that I have been dealing with in recent years:

    Be sure to include a section on Emergency Procedures for Staff, Volunteers and Visitors.  These procedures should include how to handle/report/call for help for individuals who are behaving in a threatening or dangerous manner as well as potential active shooters and bomb threats. Focus, too, on what to do in case of dangerous weather situations, fires, floods, etc.

    In addition to the Procedures, which should be updated yearly and reviewed with local fire, EMT and police professionals, rehearsals of actions such as fire drills, building evacuations, and locating  and operating fire extinguishers.  CPR and First Aide are also good training options for health and safety of staff/volunteers and visitors.  Training from safety professionals in how to handle dangerous people is something that we all need to have these days. 

    Times have changed.  Keeping ourselves, our staff/volunteer and visitors safe is much more complicated than it used to be.

    And, bravo to you for your attention to this important task!
    Kathryn Boardman
    Principal The Cherry Valley Group
    Professor, Cooperstown Graduate Program
    Cooperstown NY