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Please join MUSEUMS AND CHANGE this Thursday 7/27 at 12:30pm EDT when Kate Haley Goldman will present on AR and VR in Museums

  • 1.  Please join MUSEUMS AND CHANGE this Thursday 7/27 at 12:30pm EDT when Kate Haley Goldman will present on AR and VR in Museums

    Posted 07-23-2023 09:23 PM

    AR and VR in Museums: What can they achieve? with Kate Haley Goldman


    Kate Haley Goldman will present the optimal contexts in which AR and VR work best, examine whether there is evidence of achieving learning outcomes, and identify the specific types of outcomes. Lastly, we will discuss emerging issues that museums should consider when contemplating this technology.


    Kate Haley Goldman is a planner, strategist, and evaluator focusing on strategic goal setting, community engagement, and stakeholder feedback and impact evaluation. Kate is passionate about using evidence, connecting the dots between impact and outcomes, and ensuring that future goals and aspirations of the organization are realized. She has worked with a broad range of organizations, directing projects on visitor journeys, interpretive plans, exhibitions, data visualization systems, and digital storytelling.

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