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Book Chapter on Accessibillty

  • 1.  Book Chapter on Accessibillty

    Posted 02-24-2023 09:42 AM
    A colleague of mine is looking for small to mid-size gardens and/or museums in the South who are doing accessibility work and evaluating that work and would be interested in writing a chapter for a book.

    Specifically. they are looking for various examples of accessibility in institutions - from programming for autistic families; to developing exhibits that include height for wheelchairs, low sensory areas, braille, and touch samples, for example; to staff and volunteer training on ageism; to creating and working with Advisory Panels composed of disabled adults and families - to name a few examples. But the key that they are looking for in each case study is the evaluative component of the program, exhibition, or training. They are looking to emphasize the intersection of accessibility initiatives and evaluation and how institutions have used evaluation to refine, enhance and strengthen their accessibility work and their connections to the accessibility community, while understanding the impact their accessibility work has had on their visitors (both disabled and not) and their community.

    If you fit this bill or know an institution that does, let me know and I'll put you in contact.


    AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo, Baltimore, May 16-19, 2024, click to learn more