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Web Chat WEDNESDAY, Jan. 12 - Centralizing Your Volunteer Program

  • 1.  Web Chat WEDNESDAY, Jan. 12 - Centralizing Your Volunteer Program

    Posted 01-07-2022 10:09 AM

    Volunteers have the potential to increase community engagement, support staff, and enhance the quality of the visitor experience. But the siloed approach to volunteer management, with different supervisors for front desk, docent, and behind-the-scenes staff is a barrier to achieving these goals.

    If your museum is considering a reorganization of its volunteer office, you'll want to join us Wednesday, January 12 at 2:00 pm (EDT) for a conversation with Lisa Marie Porter, MA, CVA, Volunteer Manager for the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

    In this short, 40-minute conversation, Lisa will discuss how a centralized volunteer program streamlines the volunteer management process and improves overall volunteer engagement.

    Among other things, we'll cover:

    - The specific responsibilities of a centralized volunteer manager.

    - How a centralized program supports staff in engaging volunteers.

    - The benefits to volunteers and the museum from operating a centralized program.

    This web chat includes plenty of time for Q&A. Museum Leaders, Directors of Education, Visitor Services, or Human Resources, and Volunteer Managers: take part in a conversation that will inform your decision-making around this organizational shift.

    Registration is FREE - go to

    Elisa Kosarin, CVA
    Twenty Hats
    (703) 967-3516
    AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo, Baltimore, May 16-19, 2024, click to learn more