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Using Dance to Engage Museum Learners and Use Gallery Space

  • 1.  Using Dance to Engage Museum Learners and Use Gallery Space

    Posted 06-03-2020 12:56 PM

    Hi all,

    I hope everyone is safe and healthy in these times of great change and upheaval.

    As many museums have been forced to transition to a virtual platform, and the power of community is more important than ever, now is an ideal opportunity to consider new ways to engage the public with alternative ways to interact with collections. As part of my Master's thesis, I have worked to create a guide for museums to use as inspiration on how to include dance in the museum environment. This guide benefits museum visitors by inviting them to embody concepts, create physical interpretations of what they see, connect the tangible and intangible features of an object, understand the cultural influences at work in the creation of an artwork, and experience the social community that is encouraged by dancing.

    I am happy to share my work with anyone who is interested in some alternative ideas for engagement for the current digital platforms, and for when museums are open again. Incorporating dance into programs is an ideal way to take advantage of the social distancing regulations that will be in place, and serve as a reminder of the importance of art in our lives. Thank you all for everything you are doing to keep museums alive! Please reach out to me at if I can help in any way.

    Lauren King
    Museum Studies, Harvard Extension School - Harvard University
    Cambridge MA
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