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Call for Submissions - Contribute to an exhibit soundscape

  • 1.  Call for Submissions - Contribute to an exhibit soundscape

    Posted 03-24-2022 08:33 AM

    The Our Places exhibition team at Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History is seeking audience submissions for an entry soundscape regarding human connection to nature. We welcome contributions from the AAM Museum Next community. The team is particularly interested in sharing connections from underserved or underrepresented communities. Questions or ideas to broaden our reach?

    Want to hear yourself in a Smithsonian exhibit?

    We are developing an audio soundscape for the entrance of a new exhibition called Our Places: Connecting People & Nature opening at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History on July 1, 2022. Our Places explores how we are connected to nature in the special places where we live, work, study, play, and visit.

    This is a call for personal statements from people speaking from the heart about their own connections to nature and their own special places. Some examples:

    "Nature and just being outside makes me feel free and have a peaceful mindset."

    "I got engaged at the lake."

    "I feed my kids healthy vegetations from my garden."

    "My family enjoys picnics at our park."

    "Running outside helps me relax."

    "Estar en contacto con la naturaleza nos ayuda a recargar energía y relajarnos."

    "I wish nature was a place where my children could run around safely."

    "All around us, there is some connection to nature." 

    We would be honored if members of this community or your members would contribute. Audio in multiple languages are welcome - especially spanish, vietnamese, korean, cantonese, chinese, japanese, arabic, and portugese. Here are the simple instructions:

    1)      Record using a smartphone. Speak close to the microphone. Outside is better than inside but watch out for wind noise. Quiet places are better than loud.

    2)      Length should be no more than two or three sentences (roughly 10-15 seconds maximum).

    3)      Speak in your native language.

    4)      Completed recordings can be emailed to

    5)      Names are not needed.

    6)      Submissions are due by April 22 but can be sent earlier if possible.

    Siobhan Starrs
    Exhibition Developer
    National Museum of Natural History - Smithsonian Institution
    Burke DC
    AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo, Baltimore, May 16-19, 2024, click to learn more