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Purchase Agreement for Contemporary Artists - Examples?

  • 1.  Purchase Agreement for Contemporary Artists - Examples?

    Posted 03-21-2019 03:16 PM
    Dear colleagues, 
    I'm wondering if you may have a form or experience drafting a purchase agreement with a living artist? My institution will be acquiring a large 3 dimensional work by an artist we have formerly exhibited at our museum, but I want to make sure we have the right wording in place on our agreement.
    The work is complex to install and the artist's studio agreed verbally to assist with future installations or provide detailed guidelines. I'm hoping to note this in the agreement.
    And of course there's the issue of copyright. It would remain with the artist but we would need to have the ability to freely use images of the work that we've taken. I have some wording in place about this already but I am curious how you state it.
    I appreciate any insight you may have. You may respond to me privately if you'd prefer at

    Thank you.

    Alyssa Dreliszak
    Hudson River Museum
    Yonkers NY
    AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo, Baltimore, May 16-19, 2024, click to learn more