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About the relationship between US and Moldova museums

  • 1.  About the relationship between US and Moldova museums

    Posted 02-02-2016 04:19 PM

    Recently me, and a colleague of mine, from the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History of Moldova, had registered on your site, being glad to do it. So, from this moment we are interested in a closer collaboration with the museums from the US.

    The relationship with US museums can help us in the transition from decadent post-Soviet thinking system to a more modern and actual one. The exchange of information is needed to gain more experience in the field of mobile cultural heritage.

    We have so many questions, but also we would like to know what is Your opinion about us (museums of Moldova).

    If we could, through the Internet, to develop joint projects with practical purposes? In what areas we could work between our museums in general?

    We want to implement the new ideas in the field of the heritage protection and public relations in our country, as you do.

    We wait for your questions, proposals and suggestions.

    Thank you in advance!

    [Mihail] [Dohot]
    [curator of audiovisual documents collection]
    [The National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History]
    [Chisinau] [Republic of Moldova]
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