The National NAGPRA Program ( ) is currently accepting applications for FY2022 Consultation and Repatriation grants! These grants provide funding (no cost-share required!) to support the efforts of Museums, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations as they consult on,...
On February 14, 2015, the El Paso Museum of History celebrated the opening of the first 3-D Digital Wall of its kind in the United States, 2nd in the world only to Copenhagen, DK. It is 36' long by 5' high making it the largest in the world. Within two months of opening, the museum had already...
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List of museums with tactile resources #CollectionsStewardship #FacilitiesandRiskManagement #MissionandInstitutionalPlanning
Museum Junction - Tactile resources.docx
A listing of all the blogs and websites that have come up in the related thread. #Advocacy #CollectionsStewardship #CareerManagement #HumanResources #MissionandInstitutionalPlanning #FacilitiesandRiskManagement #EducationandInterpretation #MarketingandPublicRelations ...
Museum Blog and Website Suggestions.docx
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A listing of all the book titles that have come up in the "What Museum-Related Book Are You Reading?" thread. #MissionandInstitutionalPlanning #FinancialStability #GovernanceandSupportOrganizations #CareerManagement #CollectionsStewardship #Advocacy #MarketingandPublicRelations ...
Reading Suggestions.docx
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