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  • 1.  Cultivating Volunteers as Donos

    Posted 09-03-2019 12:20 PM
    Hi all, I'm looking to talk with museum staff (development, volunteer engagement, and leadership) who are intentional about cultivating volunteers as donors - or donors as volunteers. Specifically, I'd like to learn more about the systems and practices that you use to nurture these relationships. 

    As a volunteer engagement specialist, I see volunteering as a powerful point of entry into an organization. Charitable nonprofits are starting to focus on the volunteer/donor question. I would be interested in organizating a conference presentation on volunteers-to-donors and what that looks like in museums. 

    Just hit reply if this is an area you have explored.

    Many thanks! Elisa

    Elisa Kosarin, CVA
    Volunteer Engagement Specialist
    Twenty Hats
    Falls Church VA

  • 2.  RE: Cultivating Volunteers as Donos

    Posted 09-04-2019 09:20 AM
    Volunteers are already donors and in many organizations they're more important than financial donors. Also, in my experience, some volunteers don't have the financial resources to give money (beyond a membership perhaps) but they have plenty of time to give.

    What troubles me about this post is the implication that volunteers are somehow less than those who give cash to the same organization. I think that's naive and insulting.


    Dan Bartlett
    Curator of Exhibits
    Elmhurst History Museum
    (630) 833-1457 ext 6450


  • 3.  RE: Cultivating Volunteers as Donos

    Posted 09-04-2019 10:01 AM
    Hi Dan, thanks for your message. It was not my intention to suggest that volunteeers are less important than donors. The volunteer contribution must be valued in and of itself - that's essential.

    I'm hoping you will read my blog post on the subject. You'll see that my view on volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders is very holistic.

    Please let me know if you'd like to talk further. Always happy to chat pby phone.

    Best, Elisa

    Elisa Kosarin, CVA
    Twenty Hats
    (703) 967-3516