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  • 1.  Translation Question

    Posted 01-11-2021 01:36 PM
    Can anyone share their experience using QR codes to provide a single language  translation of exhibit text?  

  • 2.  RE: Translation Question

    Posted 01-12-2021 09:09 AM
    Hi Andrea,

    I run a small translation company specializing in museum work. As far as I know, none of our clients have tried this approach, but I have seen other organizations and businesses use it. (I'd bet at least a few museums do it, too, but they're not our clients!) QR codes can be helpful when there isn't space for a second language on the wall/page. The downside is that, usually, a significant percentage of visitors who would read a translation on the wall/page won't bother scanning the code.

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on or off list.

    Kevin Gerry Dunn
    (+1) (520) 477-7507

  • 3.  RE: Translation Question

    Posted 01-12-2021 09:44 AM
    Hello Andrea,

    I have experience with QR codes in exhibits for ASL interpretation. We didn't use them exactly how you are asking- we used it for any audio (think oral stories/videos) and had QR codes by those pieces. We were able to promote the accessibility work in a big way and bring in a new audience for the museum. Some of the videos are on YouTube- here is a link to one:

    I'm happy to chat and answer any questions you may have. 


    Nicole Smith
    Accessibility Consultant
