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  • 1.  Teen Volunteer Programs

    Posted 02-27-2019 12:57 PM
    Hi everyone,

    I work with our teen volunteers here at Denver Botanic Gardens and am looking for some advice.  We currently have a summer program and a teen advisory board/leadership group, but we're reaching the point where we should evaluate what comes next.

    I'm doing some bench-marking to figure out what's already out there and what directions we could potentially go with our program.  Does anyone either have at their institution or know of some amazing teen programs elsewhere? Or have ideas they haven't seen in action but think would be particularly great?

    Any pointers (or pitfalls to avoid) would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


    P.S. A summary of our current teen volunteer programs can be found on our website if anyone is interested:

    Trystan Popish
    Volunteer Coordinator
    Denver Botanic Gardens
    Denver, CO

  • 2.  RE: Teen Volunteer Programs

    Posted 02-28-2019 09:31 AM
    Hi Trystan, there are a number of blog posts on the Alliance website that explore or mention notable teen programs, for example:

    The New Bedford Whaling Museum's High School Apprenticeship Program

    The work of the Chrysler Museum of Art with the nonprofit Teens with a Purpose

    The collaborative "Girls Design the World" program created by the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the National Museums of Kenya

    Hope this is of assistance

    Yours from the future,

    Elizabeth Merritt

    Elizabeth Merritt
    VP Strategic Foresight & Founding Director, CFM
    American Alliance of Museums
    Arlington VA

  • 3.  RE: Teen Volunteer Programs

    Posted 02-28-2019 11:21 AM
    Hi Trystan,

    The Natural History Museum of Utah has a 25-year-old program focused on near-peer mentoring -- Youth Teaching Youth -- for ethnically diverse, low income middle and high school students. This year we have also piloted a Teen Explainers program, which draws from a much wider geographic area and involves teens in engaging visitors at the museum.
    I would be happy to talk to you more about these programs as you research program models.
    Working with teens is the best!


    Linda Aaron
    Youth Development Programs Coordinator
    Natural History Museum of Utah - University of Utah
    Salt Lake City UT