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  • 1.  Questions about using Square

    Posted 08-20-2018 03:46 PM
    Hi all, 

    Habitot Children's Museum (small) is thinking of changing our entire system (day admission, membership, gift shop...) to Square. We read through the previous AAM forum threads related to Square, but still have questions and concerns. We'd be so grateful if we could get answers to the following questions:

    1) How are other museums using Square to handle memberships sales? Does it seem like a reasonable approach? Or is it a pain in the neck?

    2) What is the average daily volume (total cash sales) other museums are handling through square? And, what was the time/staff involvement in transitioning to square? 

    3) What reconciliations (eg donations, memberships, class sales, rentals, field trips)  are other museums tracking through Square? And, how does Square support those? Has anyone switched to Square and felt that it was a mistake?

    4) Have other museums found that Square reports have been sufficient for bookkeeping and auditing purposes?

    6) When your museum switched to Square, did working at the front desk become easier? Our front desk is staffed almost entirely with students from our local university. We're assuming that college students will find using Square to be "normal" and easy. Can anyone speak to that? What does the training period look like? Are there in fact fewer errors, or does square have its own set of errors? How transparent are those errors to identify and fix?

    Thanks so much!!!!

  • 2.  RE: Questions about using Square

    Posted 08-21-2018 11:35 AM
    We were just debating this, but we ultimately chose Lightspeed for our small museum opening in 2019. Check that out- seems to be more inclusive for bookkeeping, and reporting & it's a "smart" system. Hope that helps!

    Samantha Hirsch
    Education Director
    Poster House
    New York NY

  • 3.  RE: Questions about using Square

    Posted 08-22-2018 12:16 PM
    Thanks :) I'll take a look at Lightspeed. 

    We have a local toy store that is willing to take over our gift shop ordering. This would be wonderful for us because they could absorb into their inventory anything we didn't sell. This would allow us to change our product quickly and reduce the cost of having made a bad purchasing decision. They use Square and to integrate with them, we would need Square. There must be a way to accomplish this. Maybe Square integrates with a system like Lightspeed? Keeping my fingers crossed.

    Avery Ligon
    Habitot Children's Museum
    Berkeley CA

  • 4.  RE: Questions about using Square

    Posted 08-23-2018 10:16 AM
    Certainly worth an ask! Good Luck!

    Samantha Hirsch
    Education Director
    Poster House
    New York NY