Have you looked at Terry Dowd, Inc. and US Art?
They both have fine art storage which a number of the museums in Chicago use for off-site storage.
Here are their contact information:
Terry Dowd, Inc.
2233 S. Throop St.
Chicago, IL 60608
773.342.8686 TEL
773.342.8650 FAX
U.S. Art
4400 W. Ohio Street
Chicago, IL., 60624
Telephone: 773-801-1811
Toll Free: 844-274-2636
Fax: 773-801-1592
Good Luck!
-Ms. Devon Pyle-Vowles
Art & Artifact Management
Midwest, Chicagoland, Illinois USA
Devon Pyle-Vowles
Collections Specialist/Registrar
Chicago IL
Original Message:
Sent: 02-08-2021 05:45 PM
From: Carissa Meier
Subject: Off-site temporary museum collection storage
Are there resources for finding AAM approved climate-controlled storage facilities and/or colleague recommendations? Midwest preferred (we're in Chicago but open to storing out of state if we need to). We are looking for temporary off-site storage options for some of our collection (photographs and some small sculptural works). Most of our collection can live in cool vault climate but we are also looking for who may offer cold vault storage (40F / 40% RH) for our extra sensitives.
C. Meier
Carissa Meier
Museum of Contemporary Photography
Chicago IL