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  • 1.  Reopening plans

    Posted 04-16-2020 06:29 PM
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    Hi folks, 

    Trust everyone is doing ok under the circumstances. 

    A few of our governments are starting to talk about how restrictions might ease, which is bringing about conversations about what reopening might look like. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on when reopening might occur and what plan are shaping up.

    We've been hosting a few webinars and podcasts etc lately (for the full list see and thought we'd take a look next at Asia's experience with reopening its institutions and attractions, given they're a few months ahead of the rest of the world. This session will be together with June Ko, VP Asia Pacific for IAAPA and Rob Smith, Divisional Director Asia Pacific for Merlin Entertainments (their portfolio includes LEGOLAND, SEALIFE Aquariums, Madame Tussauds, London Eye etc). 

    Join us next Thursday 23rd April 7pm EST (excuse the late hour as we work with APAC timezones, will also be recorded):

    Hope to see you there. 


    Angie Judge
    CEO, Dexibit

  • 2.  RE: Reopening plans

    Posted 04-16-2020 06:39 PM
    Fantastic! This is the very subject I was looking to engage with museum colleagues about. Thanks for the heads up!

    Museum of the Bible
    Washington, DC

    Victoria Hamilton
    Senior Training Business Partner
    Museum of the Bible
    Washington DC

  • 3.  RE: Reopening plans

    Posted 04-17-2020 08:06 AM
    This is great - thank you!   

    Muslimah (Queen) Chandler
    Indianapolis IN

  • 4.  RE: Reopening plans

    Posted 05-04-2020 04:40 AM
    Hi all, for anyone who missed the live session, the recording is here: 

    Angie Judge