Hi Tara,
Our Central Children's Department frequently purchases items from
Lakeshore or
Discount School Supply. The quality varies from product to product, but most of the larger items we've purchased - kitchenettes, activity cubes, etc. have a shelf-life of around a year. That's with a flow of approximately 2,000 patrons per week coming through our doors.
I would advise contacting your local library branches and your local Please Touch Museum to see if they also have leads on manufacturers they prefer.
Best of luck!
Christopher Brown
Curator | Children's Literature Research Collection
Free Library of Philadelphia
Philadelphia PA
Original Message:
Sent: 05-17-2018 02:09 PM
From: Tara Hitzig
Subject: Children's Section materials
Hello. I am working on creating and building a new children's section at the museum and am curious if anyone has contacts for materials, such as the gas stations or fake cars that children can pretend to change tires, pump gas, etc...?
The children's museum in Saint Louis has a great representation that my son loved and I am looking for the company to purchase from to create my space.
I appreciate the recommendations.
Tara Hitzig
Tara Hitzig
Executive Director
Automobile Driving Museum