We have a standard recommended signature that is updated seasonally/a few times a year. Beyond the standard name/address/contact information, staff can optionally include their pronouns. Signature also includes our mission tagline and currently featured exhibit.
Melissa Felder
Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer
California Academy of Sciences
San Francisco CA
Original Message:
Sent: 06-17-2020 04:59 PM
From: Alison Bruesehoff
Subject: Signature Lines
Hi All,
We are considering letting employees add signature lines to our site's signature block. I'm curious if other institutions let employees add signature lines/quotes in their signature blocks. And if so, can they personalized to the employee or do they represent the organization and everyone has the same one?
Thanks, Alison
Alison Bruesehoff
Executive Director
Direct Line: 562-206-2044
4600 Virginia Road, Long Beach, CA 90807
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