We have new technology that not only counts people but can provide, using AI, basic demographics as well as dwell time (how long in the space, e.g., a gallery) and pace (how quickly moving - as in are they passing by or looking at paintings). Essentially, our camera (or your digital feed from a security camera, if you have them) provides the digital information and our Intelligent Digital Counting (IDC powered by Exteros) algorithm shows the information on a dashboard.
I assume you want to use this on an ongoing basis - and perhaps in multiple locations. Why don't you give me a call tomorrow or Friday to explain your needs and we'll see if we have an economical solution for you. Paste this link in your browser to see a demo video in a museum setting. George Wachtel
Audience Research & Analysis
George Wachtel
Audience Research & Analysis INC
New York NY
Original Message:
Sent: 09-03-2019 03:16 PM
From: Stephen Drury
Subject: Affordable automatic people counters
Our museum is looking into people counter technology for tracking visitation numbers. We currently use manual clickers operated by Visitor Services representatives. We were hoping the AAM community might have some affordable suggestions of technology (hardware and software) that has worked well for their institution.
I did a preliminary search on the forums and found institutions had some success with technology that counts people's smartphones, is this still a popular option among museums?
Thank you in advance for any suggestions you're willing to offer!
Stephen Drury
Security Supervisor
Florida Museum - University of Florida
Gainesville, FL