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  • 1.  Museum User Interface Software

    Posted 07-27-2018 09:38 AM
    Our museum is looking for software to improve the way guests can access our large quantity of artifacts related to service men and women from our county. Our records are all digitized and are saved into our network file share like:

    Military Personnel
          Smith, John
          Smith, Jane

    And so on, for thousands of people within our Military Personnel folder. What we'd like is a UI (user interface) that will allow museum guests to search a name, locate the folder, and view all files in the associated folder, without being able to edit, delete, etc. 

    We have spent some time looking for interactive/kiosk software that will do this, but we haven't found anything that will work out of the box with the way we have our files saved. Does anyone have any suggestions on software that may do what we're looking for?

    Sarah McDonald
    Executive Director
    Shelby County Historical Museum
    Harlan, IA

  • 2.  RE: Museum User Interface Software

    Posted 07-27-2018 10:04 AM
    Have you looked into something a library might use?

    Bill Browne
    Westlake LA

  • 3.  RE: Museum User Interface Software

    Posted 07-30-2018 09:18 AM

    There may be something out there that does exactly what you need, but unfortunately, experience shows that this is rare. If you could build your data set from scratch then you may have better luck. But, either way, getting a nice user interface that shows the documents in an easy to navigate way, allows zooming, search, has an attract loop, provides instructions to the visitor, etc. would probably have to be build custom. I think it's worth talking to an interactive media firm and getting an idea of cost.

    Bruce Spero
    Principal/Creative Director
    Trivium Interactive

  • 4.  RE: Museum User Interface Software

    Posted 07-30-2018 12:05 PM
    We have a very generic software (mobile app platform) that may be able to do what you are looking for. As such, the software is designed for museums and is in use by a lot of museums, historic houses and city tours. I would like to understand more about your neede and create a demo with some sample data from you. If you like the demo, we can discuss more. The software has features to list all the personnel (by categories), select one, search someone, see their photos, read about them, hear their voices (audio), show a map tied to their work etc.. 

    We have been in museum software for 4-5 years and have over one million visitors using our software at various locations. Our software is used as a downloadable app as well as in the tablets that museums hand out at the entrance. Please review our website and let me know if you would like us to put together a demo. (There will be no cost for the demo). 

     Mobile Tour Guide App Platform: Action Tour Guide
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    Mobile Tour Guide App Platform: Action Tour Guide
    A mobile tour guide app platform to create Apple & Android apps for attractions that visitors download on their own phones to use as tour guides. Low cost, sets up in weeks and replaces audio guides.
    View this on Actiontourguide >

    Snehal Shah
    Action Data Systems, LLC
    Barrington RI