We use this kind:
Great Star Tally Counter by Office Depot & OfficeMax. They're small enough to keep in a pocket, attach to a lanyard, or simply hold. Easy to use. Sometimes, after a while, the metal finger loop will break off or the numbers can get jammed. The final number count is often more of an estimate rather than exact coaunt, especially if/when the user forgets to click or sets it down somewhere and looses track of it. But, otherwise, they work just fine and help us keep track of how many guests we encounter in some of our galleries and during some of our programs. In our temporary gallery spaces we have a digital counter that counts people as they enter one door and exit the other. This number goes up and down and helps us to better regulate crowd control. But, that's about the extent of what i know about that set up.
Amber Parham
Museum Educator/Performer
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Denver CO
Original Message:
Sent: 01-25-2017 01:08 PM
From: Marie Toner
Subject: Visitor Counter
Hello Wise Ones:
Can you tell me what kind of visitor counters you are using? What is the brand? Are there any pros & cons?
Any feedback would be great, thank you so much!
Marie Toner
Pearl S. Buck House
Perkasie PA