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  • 1.  Collections Committee Responsibilities?

    Posted 08-24-2021 09:29 AM

    Hello! We at the Florence Griswold Museum  are working to update the role and responsibilities of our Collections Committee. Committee membership has long been a prestige position, but without many expectations. Does anyone have documentation of what their collections committee responsibilities are in regards to both actively seeking acquisitions and approving purchases? We're looking to update what is expected of committee members on an annual basis, both on their own and in coordination with the curatorial staff, and in accord with the mission statement. It might include necessary credentials, but as we know enthusiasm and commitment count for a lot in this world. I appreciate any insights!


    Becky Beaulieu

    Director, Florence Griswold Museum



  • 2.  RE: Collections Committee Responsibilities?

    Posted 08-25-2021 09:50 AM
    My Collections Committee has the following duties:

    1. Network to build museum and Permanent Collection awareness, and gifts to the collection and acquisition/conservation fund.
    2. Review conservation policy plan and review recommendations to conserve objects in the Permanent Collection when required conservation is immediate and exceeds amount set in the operating budget.
    3. Review, discuss, and vote to make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding proposed acquisitions for the Permanent Collection, including purchases, gifts, bequests, transfers and trades.
    4. Review, discuss, and vote to make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding deaccessioning objects from the Permanent Collection.
    5. Discuss collection strategy, i.e. building segments of the Permanent Collection within the larger collection mission.
    6. Review the Acquisition and Collection Policy document every three years, or more often as needed.

    Angie Barry
    Curator of Exhibitions and Col
    Gadsden Arts Center & Museum
    Quincy FL

  • 3.  RE: Collections Committee Responsibilities?

    Posted 08-26-2021 10:49 AM

    Within our Collections Policy we have a section related to the roles and responsibilities of our Museum Committee (a sub-committee of the International Tennis Hall of Fame's Board of Governors).

    The Museum Committee oversees capital improvements to the Museum; recommends programs and activities; guides the preservation and growth of the collections; oversees administrative and acquisition budgets; and reports on the Museum's activities to the Executive Board and Board of Governors.
    The Museum Committee is comprised of the Museum Director (non-voting), Committee Chair, Committee Vice Chair, ITHF CEO, and a minimum of two and a maximum of ten additional members. This committee meets at least quarterly to review Museum policy, administration, programs, and collections. The roles and responsibilities of the Museum Committee are to:
      • Oversee capital improvements to the Museum
      • Review collections policies developed in the context of the Mission Statement by the Museum Director and professional staff
      • With the advice of Museum Staff, approve or decline additions to the collections in a manner consistent with ethical and legal standards as delineated in the collections policy
      • Initiate and participate in strategic planning for the Museum
      • Act as liaison on matters relating to the Museum to the Executive Board, the Board of Governors, and the community-at-large
      • Advocate to the Executive Board, Board of Governors, and the community-at-large for the Museum's policies, programs, and collections
      • Identify and solicit prospective donors in a manner consistent with the Collections Policy
      • Offer advice and counsel to the Museum Staff
      • Provide advice and counsel to the Executive Board and Board of Governors concerning Museum programmatic, budgetary, and development issues
      • Work with the Museum staff programming and digital offerings
      • Provide the Museum staff with the necessary support to create and/or increase relations with other tennis museums worldwide.
    The Museum Committee Chair participates in the deaccession process. The Museum Committee is informed in writing of all deaccessioned objects from the collections in a manner consistent with ethical and legal standards as delineated in the collections policy.
    Individual Responsibilities of the Museum Committee
      • Adhere to the Museum's Code of Ethics
      • Learn about and remain informed of the Museum's collections, operations, bylaws, policies, programs, and finances
      • Attend at least three (3) Museum Committee meetings each year (at least one in-person)
      • Take responsibility for a project
      • Keep current on local, national, and international developments in the Museum field
      • Promote the Museum by speaking knowledgeably about its collections, exhibitions, and programs
      • Prospect for potential partnerships and collaborations in the community
      • Attend Museum exhibitions, programs, and special events
      • Contribute specialized knowledge in areas of expertise/interest when called upon by staff or fellow Committee members
      • Attend museum conferences or professional development workshops with a member of the Museum Staff
      • Serve as an advocate for the Museum both locally and internationally.

    Nicole Markham
    Curator of Collections
    International Tennis Hall of Fame
    Newport RI