Greetings Fellow Museum Colleagues,
I'm a graduate student at the University of the Arts pursuing a degree in Museum Education. I'm currently researching and writing my thesis for my program. My topic is what education opportunities Latino parents choose to engage their children with and how can museums become more culturally competent to meet their educational needs.
My thesis is targeting museums and Latino/<g class="gr_ gr_34 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_disable_anim_appear Grammar multiReplace" id="34" data-gr-id="34">a parents</g> within the Northeast region of the United States, specifically New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. A study conducted by the Hispanic Federation is what helped me select this specific region. They found that the Latino population density in New York State has the fourth largest Hispanic population in the United States. With its 3.6 million Hispanic residents, representing 6.6% of the total Hispanic population in the nation, the state ranks only behind California, <g class="gr_ gr_35 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_disable_anim_appear Punctuation only-ins replaceWithoutSep" id="35" data-gr-id="35">Texas</g> and Florida.
Link to study here:
For my thesis methodology, I've decided to survey both museum education staff and Latino parents to get answers from both perspectives. Through these surveys, I hope to learn how museums create programs and build awareness for diverse audiences like Latino/a/x families and how Latino parents view the importance of education so museums can create programs that speak to these values. I also want feedback on how museums can improve on creating an inclusive environment for Latino families.
Since I am trying to collect this data from a random sampling of museums, I thought it would be great to post my survey on here. I'm specifically targeting museum education staff, specifically those working in family programs in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. So, if you fit into this category and are willing to take my survey, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, please pass this survey along if you have any other friends or colleagues in your professional network that fit this category.
The survey will only take about 5-10 minutes of your time to complete. The link will be below. Please message me with any questions. Thank You!
Museum Survey Link:
Samantha Eusebio
M.A. Candidate, Museum Education
The University of the Arts
t: (201) 724-5647