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  • 1.  Multi-Language Translation

    Posted 03-24-2022 01:15 PM
    Good afternoon all!

    Wondering if anyone works at a site that offers multi-language translation of their exhibit content beyond translating videos and panels into dual language. Does anyone here use an app, RFID bracelets, or other accommodations to offer a selection of languages for visitors to choose from? I don't know that I've personally seen any high-tech multi-language exhibit options but would love to hear what others have encountered!

    Colleen Prior
    Content and Research Specialist
    National Geographic Society
    Washington DC

  • 2.  RE: Multi-Language Translation

    Posted 03-25-2022 08:51 AM
    Edited by Carlos Hevia 03-25-2022 08:51 AM
    Hi Colleen,

    We have developed a platform for housing multi-language content that can be displayed on visitors' phones using QR codes. The language displayed can be determined by the default language settings of the visitors' phones, or selected manually. The platform was originally developed for the Chicago Botanic Garden, and we have seen a great deal of interest in it recently. As evidenced bay various posts on this forum, QR codes have gained tremendous momentum over the past two years and visitors are increasingly accustomed to using them.

    If you'd like to connect with us and learn more, you can reach me through the contact information below.

    Carlos Hevia
    Director of Business Development

    + 1 (815) 993-8828 |