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  • 1.  Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

    Posted 05-25-2017 03:24 PM

    We are in the process of reviewing our travel expense reimbursement policy. We are particularly interested in mileage cost, per diem's for meals and reimbursement for alcoholic beverages. If you can share a copy of your policy, we'd love to see it.


    Joyce Farmer

    Staff Accountant

    Hagley Museum & Library

    Greenville, DE

  • 2.  RE: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

    Posted 05-26-2017 07:12 AM

    I work for the Council of State Archivists, a nonprofit association serving the 56 state and territorial archives in the U.S. Our travel reimbursement policy is available here:

    Per diem travel rates are based on the federal per diems for cities.  We do not reimburse for alcohol in addition to a handful of other personal incidentals.

    Hope this is helpful to you.


    Anne W. Ackerson
    Creative Leadership & Management Solutions
    1914 Burdett Avenue
    Troy, New York  12180
    T:  518-271-2455

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  • 3.  RE: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

    Posted 05-26-2017 08:21 AM
    Edited by Claire Aldenhuysen 05-26-2017 08:22 AM
    Hi Joyce!

    My institution reimburses mileage and food in the following manner:

    Mileage = (Distance from work to location x 2) x .535

    So if I were to travel to the Indiana Historical Society in Indianapolis, it's 65 miles away. The total distance to and from there is 130 miles.

    130x .535 = $69.55

    For per diem, it's $46 per day. $9 for breakfast, $14 for lunch, and $23 for dinner. As for alcoholic beverages, employees are expected to NOT consume them on company time. 

    Both are typically requested ahead of time, and employees receive a check for the amounts.

    Hope this helps!

    Claire Aldenhuysen
    Museum Educator
    National Model Aviation Museum, Academy of Model Aeronautics
    Muncie IN

  • 4.  RE: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

    Posted 05-26-2017 09:00 AM
    The State of Texas' travel policies are available here: Textravel

    Maximum allowable reimbursement for meals and lodging is set by an internal table for in-state travel, and by the GSA rates for out-of-state travel. We're reimbursed for actual expenses up to the maximum, not given a per diem. 

    Alcohol is not reimbursed, and mileage is set at the current IRS rate (though we have to get permission to get reimbursed for our personal vehicles instead of taking a work vehicle). 

    Eric Ray
    Lead Interpretive Planner
    Texas Parks and Wildlife
    Austin TX

  • 5.  RE: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

    Posted 05-26-2017 09:29 AM
    Edited by Geoffrey Woodcox 05-26-2017 09:29 AM
    I work for the state of North Dakota rather than a private organization, so our policies may be slightly different than some museums.  Basically you get a flat per diem of $7 for breakfast, $10.50 for lunch, and $17.50 for dinner when traveling in state.  Out of state per diems are based on the federal government's per diem rates through the GSA.  Alcohol doesn't factor into what's reimbursed and what isn't, because if you were out of town on work business at the specified times to qualify for a meal reimbursement, you'll get that flat rate no matter what you bought.  We aren't required to provide receipts.

    Mileage reimbursement is 53.5 cents per mile in state and to 300 miles past the state line.  After that 300 mile mark, it drops to 18 cents per mile until you get back to within 300 miles of North Dakota.

    Here's a copy of our policy.  If you skip to page 45, that's where they talk about all of this.

    Best of luck finding something that works for you!

    Geoffrey Woodcox
    Assistant Curator of Collections
    State Historical Society of North Dakota
    Bismarck ND

  • 6.  RE: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

    Posted 05-26-2017 06:43 PM
    Our policy is to follow the IRS guideline for mileage, and we use the GSA per diem rates per city: Per Diem Rates

    Gsa remove preview
    Per Diem Rates
    GSA establishes the maximum CONUS (Continental United States) Per Diem rates for federal travel customers.
    View this on Gsa >

    You type in the city you are going to, and it lists the reimbursement rate based on average costs for that city.

    Sherry Best
    Collection Curator
    Alice C. Sabatini Gallery - Topeka & Shawnee Co. Public Library
    Topeka KS

  • 7.  RE: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy

    Posted 05-29-2017 10:50 PM

    Our policy is basically the same as Council of State Archivists, except staff has to deduct from per diem for any meals provided at the conference.

    Ella Frank MBA
    Director of Finance
    The Children's Museum of Indianapolis
    Indianapolis IN