Hi Joyce!
My institution reimburses mileage and food in the following manner:
Mileage = (Distance from work to location x 2) x .535
So if I were to travel to the Indiana Historical Society in Indianapolis, it's 65 miles away. The total distance to and from there is 130 miles.
130x .535 = $69.55
For per diem, it's $46 per day. $9 for breakfast, $14 for lunch, and $23 for dinner. As for alcoholic beverages, employees are expected to NOT consume them on company time.
Both are typically requested ahead of time, and employees receive a check for the amounts.
Hope this helps!
Claire Aldenhuysen
Museum Educator
National Model Aviation Museum, Academy of Model Aeronautics
Muncie IN
Original Message:
Sent: 05-25-2017 03:23 PM
From: Joyce Farmer
Subject: Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy
We are in the process of reviewing our travel expense reimbursement policy. We are particularly interested in mileage cost, per diem's for meals and reimbursement for alcoholic beverages. If you can share a copy of your policy, we'd love to see it.
Joyce Farmer
Staff Accountant
Hagley Museum & Library
Greenville, DE