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  • 1.  ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-20-2020 04:58 PM
    Dear Colleagues,
    I am working with a non-museum client to develop a visitor center for the general public and for their specific client base.  Many of whom have a disability.  I'd like to plan to meet the needs of their clients in as many ways possible.  Could you recommend an ADA Consultant who could guide me through the development process?
    Thank you,
    Mary Anna
    Mary Anna Murphy
    MAM Exhibit Design
    Designing cool exhibits for 20 years!

  • 2.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-21-2020 10:35 AM
    Hi Mary Anna,

    What a great opportunity! I've worked with Jon Sanford and others at the Georgia Tech Center for Inclusive Design for guidance around exhibit design and things to consider - he (and their wider team) would be a good resource and may be able to either work directly with you on the development process or direct you to others closer to your location.


    Michele Mandula
    Savannah College of Art and Design
    Savannah GA

  • 3.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-21-2020 11:05 AM
    Hi Mary Anna,

    We worked with Accessibility Consultation and Training Services ( ) at ZooTampa. I highly recommend Mark Trieglaff and he has local ties to Clearwater.

    Ruth Meyers
    Grants Manager
    Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo
    Tampa FL

  • 4.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-21-2020 12:34 PM
    Hi Mary Anna,

    Normally architect(s) in the local area of your client are the best resource for ADA input and/or an ADA consultant if needed separately.

    Best regards,

    Art Manask
    Art Manask Consulting
    818 358-3588

  • 5.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-22-2020 09:26 AM

    Corey Timpson, 

    Sinah Bahram,

    Have both done amazing work related to ADA and universal design.



    Mark Osterman, Ed.D.
    Digital Experience Manager and Head of Education
    Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami
    Coal Gables, FL

  • 6.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-23-2020 10:52 AM
    The Corning Museum of Glass has engaged Corey and Sinah and found their expertise and insights useful and meaningful.

    Lucy Dubin
    Director of Human Resources
    Corning Museum of Glass
    Corning NY

  • 7.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-26-2020 08:56 AM
    Thank you very much for your recommendations!  This field has a deep bench of skills and knowledge as is evident by the response to this posting.  
    Very much appreciate your reply,
    Mary Anna
    PS.  I love the exchanges I read on this forum - the generosity of members of our field to compare and share.
    Mary Anna Murphy
    MAM Exhibit Design
    Designing cool exhibits for 20 years!

  • 8.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-22-2020 12:20 PM
    Hello Mary Anna,

    While we are not ADA consultants per se, we have done a lot of work in the ADA community for multimedia and audio visitor engagement.  Most recently, we are finishing an all inclusive tour for the new National Museum of the US Army and have won top 2020 GLAMi award for our project with Andy Warhol in Italy called Unmute Art.  Please contact us if you need something particular in this area.

    Thank you.

    [Myron] [Baer]
    [Managing Director]
    [Orpheo USA]
    [New York] [NY]

  • 9.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-25-2020 11:27 PM
    Hi Mary Anna,

    I am an accessibility consultant as well as a curator (graduate degree and experience in both fields respectively).  I would be happy to discuss ADA compliance as well as other helpful access considerations which standard ADA practices often miss.  The visitor center sounds like a great project, and I'm glad to hear they are planning for their clients' access needs in advance - as it should be!

    All best,
    Whitney Mashburn
    Independent Curator
    Accessibility Consultant
    Boston, MA

    Whitney Mashburn

  • 10.  RE: ADA Consultant

    Posted 10-27-2020 12:19 PM
    I have not read all the responses so this may have been suggested. I would look to a local university.  I am from Illinois and th ui has a great rehab department. In fact, Tim Nugent, a guru of accessibility was there. Sadly he has passed. But there are a plethora of people who could consult from there. Any university that has such a program should be able to help.

    Kevin McCandless