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  • 1.  Community Advisory Groups

    Posted 08-20-2019 01:06 PM



    Does your organization utilize community advisory groups? I would appreciate your insights into any or all of the following questions.

    ·         Which communities do you target for your advisory group(s), and why these particular groups?

    ·         What is the role of the group(s)? How do you utilize the member's insights and/or recommendations?

    ·         How do you structure the group(s)? (number of members, frequency of meetings, operating principles, expectations, etc)

    ·         How do diversity and inclusion inform your group's membership and recruitment?

    ·         Who from your staff is responsible for the coordination of the group(s)?

    ·         What challenges and successes have incurred from utilizing the group(s)?


    Feel free to email me directly if you prefer:


    Thank you very much for you thoughts!


    Marley Steele-Inama (she/her)

    Director of Audience Research and Evaluation

    Denver Zoo  l  720-337-1452


    Secure a better world for animals through human understanding

    Protect • Honor • Innovate • Engage • Empower • Serve


  • 2.  RE: Community Advisory Groups

    Posted 08-21-2019 11:47 AM

    I would be interested in this information also.


    Robyn Gibboney, PhD, GPC

    Cincinnati Museum Center

    Director of Grants

    Philanthropy Department

    1301 Western Avenue, Suite 2253. Cincinnati, Ohio 45203

    office (513) 287-7058

    mobile (901) 351-1053

    fax (513) 287-7079

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