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  • 1.  Volunteer Recognition Ideas

    Posted 09-06-2019 03:45 PM

    My organization hosts an annual volunteer appreciation reception in the spring. During the night's remarks we recognize the volunteers reaching service milestones (5 years, 10 years, 15 years, etc.) with a certificate of recognition. We've traditionally done a "tiered" frame approach, i.e. 5 years get a leather certificate holder, 10 years get a bronze-ish colored frame, 15 years get a silver frame, and 20 years get a gold frame. We also give all of our volunteers a takeaway gift (usually a small plant) after the reception. 

    Some received feedback from volunteers is that they would prefer something more usable than a framed certificate and frankly the frames can stretch the budget depending on the number of volunteers we are recognizing that year. It's usually between 30 and 40 volunteers each year. I'd love to hear ideas on a practical gift to give to the volunteers who reach their milestones. Our volunteer cohort is mostly comprised of horticulture volunteers who work in the gardens and greenhouses, docents who lead tours of the gardens and mansion, and visitor services volunteers, who greet and give orientations to visitors. Ideally, a gift that could work for all of the different types of volunteers we have would be preferable. We plan to continue giving certificates but forego the tiered approach and use all leather holders. We've considered longevity pins/buttons; however, that may not be ideal for all of our volunteers depending on their role and duties. 

    I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

    Lisa Horvath
    Volunteer Services Supervisor
    Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens
    Washington DC

  • 2.  RE: Volunteer Recognition Ideas

    Posted 09-09-2019 03:19 PM
    I worked at SF Maritime. The Park relies on the volunteer program -VIP's. Volunteers In the Park. The Park awards volunteers, based on hours put in, clothing. DIstinctive work shirts with Volunteer patches, Carhart vests and overalls are proudly worn. The Park is situated in San Francisco. It's always foggy and wet. The heavy-duty swag is much appreciated.

  • 3.  RE: Volunteer Recognition Ideas

    Posted 09-10-2019 09:07 AM
    Hi Lisa, 
    In my former role at a conservation organization, I started using personalized garden tools as thank you gifts to retiring board members and departing staff. The inscription would be carved into the garden tool handle and would say something like, "Thank you for helping us grow for __ years" or the organization name. There were also garden stones you could get personalized - maybe that would be fitting for your longer-term volunteers.  Etsy has quite a few sellers who provide these items although at 30 - 40 recipients, that might stretch your budget. Since many of your volunteers are horticulturists, perhaps they would like this usable, but personalized gift. 

    Hope this helps!

    Kathryn Marro
    Visitor Services & Membership Coordinator
    Biggs Museum of American Art
    Dover DE