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  • 1.  Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-10-2020 10:05 AM



    I am seeking resources, guidelines, or looking to get in touch with other museums for building community advisory groups. I look forward to being in touch should you have advice or experience in this area.


    Dena Rapoport

    Museum Educator

    National Gallery of Art

    Washington, DC


  • 2.  RE: Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-11-2020 10:28 AM
    Dear Dena,
    My suggestion would be to reach out to staff at the Oakland Museum in California. They have been assembling community advisory groups for well over a decade, and this work informs programming, fund-raising, marketing, interpretation and, over the last few years, the re-design of galleries. You could try reaching the director, Lori Fogerty. My contact, Kelly McKinley, just moved to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, but would know about recent work at the Oakland Museum. Also Barbara Henry, who used to be their Director of Education during the 90's and 2000s, is now an independent consultant, but could also talk about how they developed historically.

    Brian Hogarth
    Leadership in Museum Education
    Bank Street College, NYC

    Brian Hogarth
    Director, Leadership in Museum Education
    Leadership in Museum Education - Bank Street College of Education
    New York NY

  • 3.  RE: Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-11-2020 11:44 AM
    Hi Dena,

    I did a case study on the advisory group process used by the British Library for a 2015 exhibition of their West African materials, led by Library Curators and Gus Casely-Hayford. I focused on the formation process, group mechanics for decision making, how these influenced exhibition content and exhibition related community outreach. I would be happy to share my related findings with you, if you're interested.

    Lynne Harper
    MA Art of Africa, Oceania and the Americas


  • 4.  RE: Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-12-2020 09:38 AM
    Lynn, I am also interested, Petra Kralickova

    Petra Kralickova
    Executive Director
    The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures
    Kansas City MO

  • 5.  RE: Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-11-2020 01:21 PM
    Hi all, 

    I am very interested in this as well. We are working towards the buildout of an education center and we already work with multiple community partners. I am interested in learning more about how to manage expectations and still make sure community voices are heard. 

    Thank you!


    Caitlin Sheehan
    Jazz Museum
    Louisiana State Museum
    New Orleans LA

  • 6.  RE: Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-12-2020 08:09 AM
    At the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, we have targeted on-going groups, such as teacher advisors and genealogy advisors. We also, though, have put together community advisory gorups for special projects. Most recently this work was with the Puerto Rican community. An archive of the work along with some guidelines on working with such a group is at

    Beth Twiss Houting
    Programs and Services
    Historical Society of Pennsylvania

    Beth Houting
    Senior Director of Programs an
    Historical Society of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia PA

  • 7.  RE: Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-12-2020 03:49 PM
    Dear Dena,

    Lowell National Historical Park has been co-creating a new long-term exhibition about cultural diversity with a community roundtable for the past 16 months (we're now in schematic design). If you'd like to compare notes, please email.

    best regards

    Kevin Coffee
    Lowell National Historical Park
    Lowell, NY

  • 8.  RE: Community Advisory Group

    Posted 03-30-2020 09:01 AM
    Hey Dena - I'm using this out-of-museum time to catch up on museum juncture and just saw this. I'd be glad to offer insights and materials from what we've done so far (and what we were planning to launch this spring - and still hope to later in the year). Feel free to email me at

    Adera Causey PhD
    Curator of Education
    Hunter Museum of American Art
    Chattanooga TN