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  • 1.  case upgrades

    Posted 08-17-2017 05:47 PM
    I have some older built-in wood cases with glass doors that I need upgraded a bit.  I need the fabric on the back replaced and the locks to be upgraded for greater security.  I'm not sure who to call, especially for the locks.  A cabinetmaker/millwork professional? A locksmith?  Does anyone have any suggestions for a direction to go or a specific contact in St. Louis?

    Thanks very much for any assistance,

    Erin Sutherland PhD
    St. Louis MO

  • 2.  RE: case upgrades

    Posted 08-18-2017 09:05 AM
    Hi Erin,

    I'd check with a local theater company that has a large scene shop or prop shop. They're used to dealing with fabric, and would probably be able to do the locks as well. Good luck!


    Daniel Samuelson-Roberts
    Exhibition Carpenter
    Minneapolis Institute of Art
    Minneapolis MN

  • 3.  RE: case upgrades

    Posted 08-22-2017 01:20 PM
    Thanks, that's a good idea.

    Erin Sutherland PhD
    St. Louis MO