I have used consultants & served as one in the museum field.
My first question has to be: "How will you & your team gain sufficient understanding of the background, culture, personalities, concerns, dreams, community context, current & realistic future potential finances, & realistic vision, etc., etc. so as to provide advice that is founded on local realities vs. ready-made report boiler plate professional theory?"
My second question has to be: "Do you expect museum clients to have put sufficient energy into "DIY," i.e. attempting the necessary research, environment scan, strategic & financial planning, etc., etc. in advance to prove to themselves that they actually need outside advice?"
As a client lead hand, I have been disappointed in consultant performance that demonstrates outsiders can't know everything in the universe of local circumstances they really should--or perhaps ever could--in order to provide appropriate elements x, y, or z of advice.
In my view, consultant clients need to take the project & consultant by the throat, keep a tight grip throughout, & exercise strong direction of the contract Work. May I recommend that your chapter touch on the responsibility of clients to take such a firm grip.
Paul C. Thistle
Director/Curator (retired)
Stratford ON
Original Message:
Sent: 10-31-2018 10:34 AM
From: Claudia Ocello
Subject: Your questions for and about museum consultants
Hello everyone,
I'm working on a book chapter about museum consultants.
What would you ask museum consultants if you could ask us anything about our work?
For example, I often get asked why my services cost what they do if I know I am working with a non-profit.
What else would you like to know about museum consultants and museum consulting? No question too silly, too small or too large!
You can reply here, or if you feel more comfortable, to me personally at claudia(a)museumpartnersconsulting(dot)com.
Thank you!
Claudia Ocello
President & CEO
Museum Partners Consulting, LLC
Maplewood NJ