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  • 1.  Dealing with visitors who won't wear masks

    Posted 05-20-2020 01:11 PM
    Hi all, 

    We are preparing for re-opening our Library & Museum and know that face masks will be mandatory for the public and staff for a period of time.  A question that has come up in our planning meetings is - how do we handle a visitor who may refuse to wear a face masks? 

    Has anyone come across any great resources for this or have any of their own front line staff scripts that would not mind sharing? 

    Thank you!

    Valerie Peacock
    Clarice & Robert H. Smith Educator
    National Sporting Library & Museum
    Middleburg VA

  • 2.  RE: Dealing with visitors who won't wear masks

    Posted 05-21-2020 08:08 AM
    I haven't seen any guidelines for staff in the non-profit world, but maybe you should consider what other businesses like barber shops or hospitals are doing to communicate that masks are required. Or Costco (which appeared just to focus on being nice to customers and explaining things upfront):

    Kathleen Lugarich
    Program Specialist
    Army Historical Foundation
    Fort Belvoir VA

  • 3.  RE: Dealing with visitors who won't wear masks

    Posted 05-21-2020 10:43 AM
    Thanks for posting this Valerie. We're thinking about the same thing at Sciencenter. This topic came up in an ASTC webinar last week and someone (maybe OMSI?) mentioned that they're looking at providing de-escalation and/or empathy training for their staff. I reached out to our local conflict resolution center to see if they could provide training around this but haven't heard back yet. I would be interested to learn about how other museums are approaching this.



    Adrienne Testa

    Vice President of Museum Experiences


    601 1st St, Ithaca, NY 14850

    cell 845-258-8635 |

    Our mission: Cultivate a broad community of curious, confident, critical thinkers.
    Our vision: A world where people explore, connect, and create through science.

    Connect with us on social media!


  • 4.  RE: Dealing with visitors who won't wear masks

    Posted 05-22-2020 09:04 AM
      |   view attached

    We've been looking into this topic as well.  One thing I will have staff at least read is the attached.  If attachments get stripped off this list, it is a pdf  brochure from the Crisis Prevention Institute entitled, CPI's Top 10 De-Escalation Tips.


    What I am more concerned about is if de-escalation doesn't work, then what?  How can we "enforce" the wearing of masks?


    Harry Klinkhamer

    Historical Resources Manager

    City of Venice



    Venice Museum & Archives                        City of Venice    


    The value of history is, indeed, not scientific but moral:

    by liberalizing the mind, by deepening the sympathies,

    by fortifying the will, it enables us to control, not society,

    but ourselves - a much more important thing; it prepares

    us to live more humanely in the present and to meet rather

    than to foretell the future.

    -Carl Becker from Every Man His Own Historian



    PDF_DT.pdf   351 KB 1 version

  • 5.  RE: Dealing with visitors who won't wear masks

    Posted 05-22-2020 09:19 AM
    Edited by Doug Buchanan 05-22-2020 12:56 PM
    Hi all. I recently watched a video of an incident at a California grocery store between a guest refusing to wear a mask and two employees. The employees involved completely kept their cool and maintained their professional demeanor. It was what kept this incident from spiraling out of control; that measure of self-control and perspective is critical to train our teams to maintain. 
    Doug Buchanan
    VP of Membership, Brand, and Guest Relations
    Columbus OH

  • 6.  RE: Dealing with visitors who won't wear masks

    Posted 05-26-2020 11:52 AM
    Thank you everyone for your tips and thank you Harry for the pdf. It seems like there is no one solution for this and you are right that it will be difficult to enforce this rule without some sort of escalation. 

    There will be a lot of training and trouble shooting involved!

    Valerie Peacock
    Clarice & Robert H. Smith Educator
    National Sporting Library & Museum
    Middleburg VA

  • 7.  RE: Dealing with visitors who won't wear masks

    Posted 06-03-2020 01:09 PM
    Good afternoon,

    Here at The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature we require all staff to wear masks and are asking all guests to partner with staff and wear a mask while in the museum. So far almost all people have complied. In someone objects and we have had one, we encourage them to visit when masks are no longer required. So far that seems to be working well for everyone. We are following CDC guidelines.

    Please reach out directly if I can e or any more assistance. 941-746-4131 ext, 149

    Thank you,

    Declan Sheehy 

    Senior Advancement Officer
    The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature
    P.O. Box 9265, Bradenton, FL 34206

    Email: DSheehy

    Declan Sheehy
    Senior Advancement Officer
    Bishop Museum of Science and Nature
    Bradenton FL 746-4131 x2001