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  • 1.  Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-15-2019 01:45 PM

    For a project, I am interested in speaking with CEOs, CFOs, or Operations Managers of private 501(c)3 museums that operate in buildings owned by a municipality (county, state, city, town). Specifically, I am looking for comparator organizations for a small museum that operates in a situation where they municipality maintains the building, does not charge rent, and pays all utilities (sounds like a sweet deal, but there are some drawbacks).  This may not be your exact situation, but if you find that the specific occupancy situation of your museum causes you to explain, justify, or make allowances for, your operating budget in comparison to other museums of your size, I'd like to hear from you!

    Thanks in advance!


    Erin Richardson PhD
    Erin Richardson Consulting
    Cooperstown NY

  • 2.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-16-2019 08:50 AM

    Historic Rosemont in Gallatin, TN may be someone you can contact.





    Martha Akins

    Deputy Director for Facilities


    Stay connected! Facebook I Twitter I Instagram




  • 3.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-17-2019 07:12 AM
    Both the Noah Webster House in West Hartford, CT and Craftsman Farms in Parsippany, N.J. are municipally-owned properties operated as museums by non-profit, 501(c)(3) organizations.  In each case, the town plows, provides utilities and other services.

    Having worked in this environment, I can say it's both a blessing and a curse.  The success of these is heavily dependent upon the individuals involved, both at the staff and governance levels.

    Vivian Zoë
    Executive Director
    Slater Memorial Museum
    Norwich CT

  • 4.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-16-2019 09:04 AM
    Hi Erin:

    Several private 501 (c) 3 museums in New York City are on city owned land and in city owned buildings.  What exact financial support exists will vary according to institutional arrangements.  These include the Museum of the City of New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum and the American Museum of Natural History.  On a smaller scale you could check with the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts in Madison, NJ.



    Steven Miller
    Doylestown, PA

    Executive Director Retired
    Boscobel Restoration, Inc.

  • 5.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-16-2019 10:21 AM

    You might contact Michelle Podkowa at the DuPage County Historical Museum in Wheaton, Illinois. Their situation might be a little more complicated than what you've described but she could be helpful. 

    Michelle Podkowa
    Museum Manager and Educator



    Sara Arnas
    Grant Writer
    David & Alfred Smart Museum of Art - University of Chicago
    Chicago IL

  • 6.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-16-2019 02:57 PM
    Dear Erin,

    I would be happy to connect with you regarding museums that operate in municipally owned structures.  The Valdez Museum & Historical Archive, a 501c(3) is contracted with the City to manage and operate the Museum with the goals of decreasing dependence on City funding, increasing the Museum's ability to care for and manage the community's heritage materials, and to continue to serve the community of Valdez. The City of Valdez owns our facilities and the museum's collections.  We operate under a lease management agreement.  

    Patricia Relay
    Executive Director
    Valdez Museum & Historical Archive
    Valdez AK

  • 7.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-17-2019 09:07 AM
    Hi Erin - The Manatee County Agricultural Museum operates in a building owned by the City, they own the property as well. We have a lease agreement. The City pays our utility bills, mows the yard, and is responsible for some repairs. In addition, staff is employed by the County's Clerk of the Circuit Court. The Clerk's Office also provides support dollars and is instrumental in providing IT equipment/support, professional development, and a host of other services to staff and facility. I'd be happy to connect with you if it would be helpful!


    Diane Ingram
    Museum Supervisor
    Manatee County Agricultural Museum
    Palmetto FL

  • 8.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-18-2019 09:48 AM
    Though we are not a small museum, we are a dual governance between Orange County Government and the Historical Society of Central Florida.​ HSCF owns our collection, OC gov the building. It is a dynamic arrangement to say the least. I have also worked with other museums locally that have municipality-owned structures. One of which, because of this arrangement, was essentially forced to close its doors this year. Would be happy to chat and or assist in any way you might find helpful.

    Pam Schwartz
    Chief Curator
    Orange County Regional History Center
    Orlando FL

  • 9.  RE: Seeking museums operating in municipally-owned structures

    Posted 01-18-2019 10:26 AM
    Our situation is doubly peculiar.  We are a quasi state agency (totally unfunded) and governed by a commission appointed by the Governor.  You can imagine how efficient that is.  Anyway, the museum was built with a combination of federal grants (Great River Road Commission) and private funds.  Construction of the building was contracted for and overseen by the state's Facilities and Planning Department.  We occupy the building at no charge (how generous), and for 35 years have paid for every bit of maintenance, large and small.  In 2018 we got the state to admit that they were at least responsible for MAJOR deferred maintenance, such as replacing the antiquated HVAC system.  That was a very big ticket item.  This year, we hope they will fund a new roof, as it is original to the building and a disaster waiting to happen.  Now that the ice has been broken, we hope the state will take responsibility for more of these major projects, as the building is functionally obsolete. Not sure that answered your question, but it is an example of a building owned by a governmental unit.

    David Beard
    Executive Director
    USS KIDD Veterans Memorial Museum
    Baton Rouge LA