Hello! I just presented at the AASLH conference with my Executive Director and External Relations Manager.
I'd love to discuss this over the phone - email me and we'll set something up.
Filoli has approximately 650 current volunteers, one full-time Volunteer Services Coordinator (myself) and a part-time VolServ Assistant. We had a legacy of more than 1000 self-directed volunteers, but now we have re-engaged our volunteer corps to work under the direction of staff.
Managers of other departments supply content-knowledge, oversight, and increasingly, more volunteer management directly.
Our strategic plan for the next 5 years (complete in a month) has Diversity and Inclusion as one of the cross-threads which weaves through each of our three main goals. We've made strides in this area in the last two years, and again, I'd be happy to speak to anyone who is trying to integrate new procedures or tactics, or overhauling systems in general. I can share some of our documents and how I approach assessing, re-engaging, re-directing and occasionally releasing our current volunteers.
Paula Allen
Volunteer Coordinator
Filoli Center
Woodside, CA
Original Message:
Sent: 10-08-2018 06:56 PM
From: Kyrie Kellett
Subject: Any advice for a museum looking to expand their volunteer program?
Hello AAM community,
I am working with a museum that is rethinking their volunteer program model. The current program focuses on training docents to give groups guided tours. They would like to expand the program to provide more volunteer roles and attract a more diverse set of volunteers. To help this process, the would love to learn from other museums who have healthy, multi-role volunteer programs that serve the needs of the entire institution, while representing the diverse communities they serve.
If you/your organization has any lessons to share about how you operate a similar program or facilitated a similar expansion/shift, please respond to any of the questions below or let me know if you would be open a brief phone conversation to share best/next practices.
- What is the staff (dedicated to volunteer management) to volunteer ratio at your museum? ( # of paid vol. management staff/# of volunteers ratio?)
- Is time for managing or training volunteers integrated into the job descriptions of other museum staff that utilize or benefit from volunteer support? (e.g.; curators doing gallery trainings, membership overseeing database entry work, groundskeepers overseeing gardening crews, etc.)
- Can you share key advice/lessons learned related to the process of facilitating change of an existing, legacy volunteer or docent program?
- Which strategies have been most successful for recruiting a team of volunteers that is diverse in age, race, background, and abilities that better reflects the community you serve?
We have been digging through past posts here, AAM session archives, and AAMV best practices for related information, but please don't hesitate to offer your ideas or resources, even if they seem obvious. Thanks so much for sharing your time and insights!
Kyrie Kellett, MA CIP
Mason Bee LLC
Imagine, fund, and create transformative learning experiences.