We have done 25+ walking tours and driving tours. All are GPS triggered and work very well.
Newport Mansions is using our technology for one of their garden tours. We have also done several tours in the northeast - Boston Freedom Trail, Boston Tea Party, Harvard Yard, Cape Ann, Acadia, Portsmouth, Kenny bunk port etc.
Please check out
https://www.actiondatasystems.com/ and
Snehal Shah
Action Data Systems, LLC
Barrington RI
Original Message:
Sent: 05-20-2020 09:01 AM
From: Alan Rumrill
Subject: Help Needed: Walking Tour Apps.
We are looking at various app products to develop outdoor walking tours. Our small budget and relatively uncomplicated tour ideas are leading us towards do-it-yourself apps. So far, the two companies who seem to have the best reviews and somewhat reasonable costs are OnCell and Locatify. Reviews of those products and recommendations of other, similar products would be welcome.
Alan Rumrill
Executive Director
Historical Society of Cheshire County
Keene NH