If the works are flat sheets of paper, you can look at HP and Canon professional large format
printers that have the ability to print
and scan in color up to 44" inches wide, depending on the model. Prices range from $4,000 to $6,000+, which you can purchase direct from manufacturer or through reseller. Ricoh is another brand, although they are $10k+. You can also get dedicated sheet fed scanners from companies like Contek, also within this price range of $4-6k for base models.
42" HP example" Canon example: wishes,
Jeremi Bigosinski, PLA
Norwalk Community College
Original Message:
Sent: 05-11-2020 09:30 AM
From: Ellen Endslow
Subject: Large Scanners
The Chester County (PA) Archives colleagues shared this information for a large-scale scanner that they use for historic records of a wide range in sizes.
And the company the Archives purchased it through:
If you have specific questions, I can connect you with the Archivist.
The Chester County Historical Society library has a smaller-scale overhead book scanner from Minolta. It is incredibly useful, even 12 years after it was purchased.
Ellen Endslow
Director of Collections/Curator
Chester County Historical Society
West Chester PA
Original Message:
Sent: 05-09-2020 11:44 PM
From: Fred Nation
Subject: Large Scanners
What type/brand of large scanner are used for works on paper and other works as large as 40 inches? Where do you buy one and about how much is the cost?