We have a separate form, the Purchase Agreement, that we send to vendors when acquiring work through purchase for the collection. This form confirms that the vendor holds title and is transferring title to the museum through purchase, or is acting as an agent for the artist. It also provides space for the vendor to enter provenance, exhibition history and bibliography as well as copyright holder.
If you contact me, I would be happy to provide you with a sample.
Peg Brady
Peg Brady
Collections Dept Manager & Senior Registrar
Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University
Stanford CA
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2019 04:14 PM
From: Emily Tipton
Subject: Accession without a Donor form
Hi all,
I am curious if anyone/any institution uses a special kind of accession form for those objects that may have no donor attached to them?
If anyone has any ideas for formatting a different accession form, or examples of these kind of accession forms that they would be willing to share, please let me know!
Emily Tipton
Curator of Collections & Archivist
Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum
Vista, CA