We're looking at doing sensory-friendly kits that visitors can borrow, with sound-muffling headphones and tinted glasses. Working with the exhibitions team to label areas that may be good for people to take out the kits.
Also, we're writing social stories for individuals, families, or groups to plan out their visits before they attend.
Lauren Girard
Director of Visitor Services
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Museum
Beverly Hills CA
Original Message:
Sent: 09-19-2018 09:18 PM
From: Rachel Landress
Subject: Graduate Student working on thesis
I am a museum studies graduate student at University of the Arts working on my thesis, sensory inclusion for autistic visitors with an emphasis on design. Any museums to look at for sensory inclusion? How are museums handling the increasing need for inclusion on a daily bases? Are designers working with education within the institution on this subject?
Thank you for any insight!
Rachel LandressMFA candidate, University of the Arts
Museum Exhibition Planning + Design
"You can never be overdressed or over-educated."- Oscar Wilde