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  • 1.  Replacement for Survey Monkey?

    Posted 07-12-2019 08:38 AM
    Science Central (Fort Wayne, IN) has used Survey Monkey for many years.  Due to recent changes with Survey Monkey's log-in process, we are being forced to switch software providers.
    One thing we've learned; there are A LOT of survey solutions out there!
    Ideally, we're looking for a solution that allows multiple users to login and create/share/analyze the same surveys for less than $500 yearly.   Aside from Survey Monkey, does anyone have a solution that you especially like (dislike)?  
    Thanks in advance!

    Please send replies to Chris Harris, Visitor Services Director, 260-424-2400 ext 411, or

    Martin S. Fisher
    Executive Director
    Science Central
    Fort Wayne, IN

  • 2.  RE: Replacement for Survey Monkey?

    Posted 07-15-2019 08:13 AM
    We are in the exact same boat. The only other service I have used it Google Forms. We will be using that until it doesn't meet our need but for now that is what we will be using. And you can't beat free.

    Amanda Kepner
    Manager for Learning and Experience Operations
    Columbus Museum of Art
    Columbus OH

  • 3.  RE: Replacement for Survey Monkey?

    Posted 07-15-2019 10:12 AM
    Google forms works really well for us. It is pretty robust compared to other options that I have seen. You can share forms with anyone with a Google log-in. We've been using GSuite for non-profits (also free) and it has been a great tool for productivity in general.

    Elizabeth Bazan
    Assistant Curator of Education
    Illinois State Museum
    Springfield IL