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  • 1.  Special Events

    Posted 03-11-2019 04:52 PM



    Does anyone work with catering companies to promote and organize special events on your site such as a wedding or rehearsal dinner?  If so, has it been successful? 





    Laura Berliner

    Director of Visitor Experience


    N O R M A N    R O C K W E L L    M U S E U M

    50 Years of Illustration Art 

    P.O. Box 308,  Stockbridge, MA 01262 

    413. 931. 2204




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  • 2.  RE: Special Events

    Posted 03-12-2019 06:43 AM

    Most caterers if offered a preferred status or permitted in the museum will feature your venue on their website. If the catering relationship is more exclusive, caterers will be willing to spend marketing dollars to promote the venue. As a note you should also request a percentage commission on food and beverage. My firm works with museums across the country developing these relationships. Feel free to reach out with questions.

    Tracy Lawler
    JGL Food Service Consultants
    Princeton NJ
    732 274 1694

  • 3.  RE: Special Events

    Posted 03-13-2019 11:15 AM
    ​Hi Laura,
    I totally agree with Tracy's comments and suggestions. I have worked with many museums across the country too, have been to your museum when I was doing work at Clark for many years.

    Given that Tracy is based on the east coast she and her firm would be an excellent resource to help you get this program implemented. Do not underestimate how much needs to be considered when starting such a program, but when started, it can be generate significant earned income for the Museum if done thoughtfully, carefully and right.

    Best regards,

    Art Manask
    Art Manask Consulting, Inc.
    818 358-3588