Hello to all!
I am looking for information and/suggetions for the best way to visually identify visitors as paid admissions. Our museum has a public level with multiple access points. In the recent past we used wristabnds. Members received one style and paying public received another. The public wristbands were 4 different colors and the "color of the day" was randomly set to avoid a pattern (and hopefully keep public from using multiple times).
Additionally we had 3 other styles of wristbands - VIP, student and finally chpaerone.
What is the best way to control access, identify visitors and confirm purchase?
Please give me your prefered methods and list some pro & con factors.
Bonus points for good companies to work with.
Thanks everyon!
Deborah Heinzmann
Heinzmann@mpm.eduAsst Director Visitor Servies
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee WI