I would agree with comments posted previously. We've spent alot of time on this topic and continually review our practices. In my opinion, Board minutes should be readily available for anyone to read. Best practices would indicate they should be written as if they are for public consumption (i.e. Board members not in a committee meeting may request minutes from a different committee, IRS may require them, Financial audits may require them, funders may ask for them, etc.). Therefore I would advise in the future not including specific board member information. Minutes are meant to be a reflection of the business of the organization, major topics covered and decisions made... not a recording of individual board member statements, opinions or thoughts.
For those minutes that you are concerned about from the past, I would redact any information you are concerned about and explain to the staff member why you did it. Going forward, you may want to consider changing practices. The minutes can be a good tool for your staff to understand what is happening from a governance and strategic perspective. We post all minutes (committee meetings and board meetings) to an intranet site for all board members and staff to view, and our board books are distributed widely (they include Board meeting minutes and an executive summary of all committee meetings). Hope this helps.
Shawn VanDerziel
Chief Human Resources Officer and Chief of Staff
Field Museum of Natural History
Chicago IL
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2017 02:16 PM
From: Debbie Petersen
Subject: Board meeting minutes
A new member of our staff asked to read our board minutes. Our minutes usually contain much more than motions and initiatives; there are summaries of discussions and opinions. Although we subscribe to complete transparency, I am concerned for the privacy of our (33) trustees. Going forward, I will ask that our minutes adhere to a more succinct (per Robert's Rules) format. Does anyone have any thoughts about how I might address the request of our new staff member?
Thank you.
Debbie Petersen
Chairman, Board of Trustees
National Museum of Wildlife Art
Jackson WY