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  • 1.  Large Print Label Template

    Posted 04-08-2019 06:39 PM
    Hi Everyone,

    My museum is starting to do large print labels for all our exhibitions, and I'm currently experimenting with different format (binders vs. lamented pages in a wall holder). However, I realized that these large print labels take quite a while to put together, and I'm worried that once my contract is done, no one will continue this needed feature.

    I'm curious if any museum has created a standard template for their large print labels? If not, how do you create your large print labels? What format are they? Any good examples of large print labels?

    Regan Shrumm
    Administrative Coordinator and Curatorial Assistant

  • 2.  RE: Large Print Label Template

    Posted 04-10-2019 09:08 AM
    I don't have an answer for you, but thank you for raising this question, as I've wondered the same thing. I've put large print exhibit text in binders, but did not get a chance to do much user testing to determine whether that was successful (also in a situation where I hoped the practice of providing large print would outlast my tenure with the organization).

    Tegan Kehoe
    Exhibit and Education Specialist
    Paul S. Russell, MD Museum of Medical History and Innovation
    Boston MA