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  • 1.  Use of Wii wand interactives

    Posted 06-05-2017 09:11 AM

    Good morning,


    Has anyone used Wii wands for interactives in exhibitions? Have they been tethered? Alarmed? Successful? Any feedback will be appreciated.



    Toni Beldock

    Associate Director, Exhibition Production

    t. (512) 936-4605  |  f. (512) 936-4699


    1800 N. Congress Ave.  |  Austin, TX 78701  |  |  Follow us:    


    © Bullock Museum


  • 2.  RE: Use of Wii wand interactives

    Posted 06-06-2017 10:07 AM

    At the N.C. Transportation Museum we have started implementing Wii games into our special events. Our first trial took place last year at our "Learning To Fly" event, which featured various game simulations on flight. The Wii wands were not tethered because we had an attendant with the Wii's at all times. However, the children were shown how to properly secure the wrist strap before participating. The building that housed the event was armed at night. The Wii's were secured behind the wall mounted monitors with a custom fabricated box. Our attendant would be able to access the Wii for operational functions only (i.e. disc and power buttons). I believe the use of the Wii's has been overall successful as we plan to use them again for three events this year.


    James Hart
    Exhibits Designer
    North Carolina Transportation Museum
    Spencer, NC 28159
    (704)636-2889 ext. 256