I am a fan of Collective Access and open source system. We have a small collection (under 3,000) and its been perfect. No problems, great support, and we can cross reference with our Archives and Rare Books.
Joan Baldwin
Curator-Special Collections - The Hotchkiss School
Lakeville CT
Original Message:
Sent: 09-17-2021 03:27 PM
From: Fred Nation
Subject: Past Perfect or Catalog-it?
The Swope Art Museum has a collection of American art of about 2,500: paintings, works on paper; sculptures and a library of about 1500 volumes and several hundred uncatalogued letters and other paper items. We have been using an older version of Past Perfect and are considering moving to a cloud based software, either Past Perfect or Catalog-It. We are interested in any experiences and recommendations. Thank You
Fred Nation
Executive Director
Swope Art Museum
Terre Haute, Indiana
812-238-1676 ext 113
Terre Haute
Indiana, USA