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  • 1.  City-wide 100% participation field trips?

    Posted 03-12-2019 01:48 PM
    Edited by Betsy Loring 03-12-2019 01:48 PM
    A friend is trying to find out whether there are other communities with programs that offer field trips for an entire school system to cultural organizations within the community. Our city, local funders, 12 cultural organizations, and the public school system have for many years collaborated on a program where all students in each grade receive pre and post programming, free buses and admission to a cultural organization. So, all of x grade visit the theater, y grade the local botanical garden, etc.

    We are interested in discovering whether there are similar community-wide programs, and learning details about how they are structured. We think what we have is unique in its longevity, collaboration (especially around ties to frameworks), and committed fund-raising, but would love to know what else is out there!

    Betsy Loring
    Independent Museum Professional
    Worcester MA

  • 2.  RE: City-wide 100% participation field trips?

    Posted 03-13-2019 09:34 AM

    The state of Utah funds two consortia to provide free services (school outreach and on-site visits) to schools and classrooms across the state: Informal Science Engagement Experiences or "iSEE" ( for physical and natural science and "POPS" ( for performing, media, and fine arts.  This enables public and charter schools to visit galleries, attend performances free of charge (they must provide busses) and provides access to children in the far reaches of the state-from Montezuma Creek to Grouse Creek.  For a story on visiting one of the more remote schools, see  iSEE and POPS collaborate on scheduling services to ensure every school receives services annually, to ensure curricular needs are met, and to report to the Utah State Office of Education.  Many more details are available on the webpages.   


    Sarah B. George, Ph.D.

    Executive Director

    NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF UTAH | Rio Tinto Center | University of Utah

    Special Assistant to the V.P. for Institutional Advancement


    301 Wakara Way

    Salt Lake City, UT  84108

    ofc. 801-581-4889 | mob. 801-550-2477