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  • 1.  Texan Museums--what's your plan?

    Posted 04-28-2020 09:52 AM
    To my colleagues at Texan museums, it would be helpful to hear your plans and/or reactions to the phase 1 reopening of businesses set for this Friday. Here's the relevant language from the governor's order about which businesses can open, if they choose to do so: "Museums and libraries that operate at up to 25 percent of the total listed occupancy; provided, however, that (a) local public museums and local public libraries may so operate only if permitted by the local government, and (b) any components of museums or libraries that have interactive functions or exhibits, including child play areas, must remain closed." So we could open if we kept occupancy below 25%. They hope to move that number to 50% in a few weeks. Same for retail and restaurants.

    Other parts of the order say things like every person in Texas shall minimize social gatherings or in-person contact except where necessary to obtain "reopened services." I'm a bit confused by that language, but I'm going to take it literally and emphasize the "necessary." So, in my opinion it is not necessary to have large social gatherings or in-person contact in order to obtain reopened museum services. In other words, when we are ready to reopen, we can deliver our "reopened services" without large social gatherings or in person contact, and I will make that our policy--no social gatherings or in person contact. Heck, we are doing that already with our online programs.

    I will start the sharing, and hope to hear from more of you. I emailed our board last night in response to a question from one board member and explained that our museum is not ready to reopen for two reasons. First of all a few weeks ago we deinstalled our permanent collection, and we are between temporary exhibitions (shipment was delayed), so we are resurfacing our gallery walls, reimagining our permanent collection displays, and taking on other tasks that are easier to do without artwork in the spaces. Thus, we have no art up right now, and probably won't until June, maybe.

    Secondly and more importantly, we don't have the necessary safety and health precautions in place yet, and we're still figuring that out. My examples of new practices we need included plexi screens for visitor services, supplies of wipes and hand sanitizer, effective contactless transaction abilities (unless we only do online tickets) and a plan for limited admissions, and one way paths through the galleries to avoid the bottleneck hallways we have. I also stated that I will watch how other museums in other countries and around Texas (and other states when they try this) and look for the new best practices. My opinion is that people won't be beating down our door for the Museum to return to normal, they are going to flood the restaurants first. So I counseled caution and a wait and see attitude. Admission revenue a small-ish part of our income, but we rely heavily on individual and corporate sponsorships for events and exhibitions, and grants. (And our modest endowment, ouch, now with even more modesty.)

    I imagine we'll have more staff in the offices starting next week, but we'll still limit our contact. And 1/3 of my staff have young children at home because of school and daycare closures so that will be an issue. I'm having four of us meet today, but we have a classroom with sliding doors to the outside, and we'll open them and either sit outside or inside far apart.

    I feel a bit like I'm making excuses, but then again, these are the facts I'm dealing with here. I'd love to hear from others as you work through this, and thank you!

    Daniel Eck
    Executive Director
    Museum of the Southwest
    Midland TX

  • 2.  RE: Texan Museums--what's your plan?

    Posted 05-04-2020 10:45 AM

    We've reopened with 25% capacity, required face coverings, and all interactives closed.  So far, only minimal issues with the masks and most visitors have been appreciative that we've opened the doors.
    Our cleaning protocols are identical to what we were doing, just more frequent especially on the  high traffic areas.

    Best of luck with your reopening plans!


    Donna Barker
    Star of the Republic Museum
    Washington TX