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  • 1.  Exhibit signage

    Posted 07-15-2021 04:45 PM
    We are in the process of updatingour  exhibit signage at Motorcyclepedia.Could you share pictures of exhibit signage that works well in your institution? Any tips, advice or suggestions learned during  yourdesign/implementation/installation process would be most welcome as our budget is limited. Thanks!

    Chris Knasiak
    Museum Coordinator
    Newburgh NY

  • 2.  RE: Exhibit signage

    Posted 07-15-2021 11:53 PM

    AAM Members can purchase at a discount

      Hope this helps. 

    Diane Gutenkauf
    Get Outlook for iOS

  • 3.  RE: Exhibit signage

    Posted 07-17-2021 11:40 AM
    I also recommend reviewing the winners of AAM's Excellence in Label Writing awards,

    Michelle Moon
    Principal, Satlworks Interpretive Services

  • 4.  RE: Exhibit signage

    Posted 07-16-2021 10:08 AM
    Chris Knasiak,

    Here are a couple of examples from our small museum. We primarily use hard foam board. We used to use double-sided adhesive strips on the back. However, we found that either the adhesive was too strong or our paint was too poor. Every time we changed a board it pulled the paint off with it. We have gone to using small finishing nails. I use to create the images of the individual foam boards. We then send them to a local printer. We have a limited budget as well, so keeping the design in-house is a must. You may have to shop around for your best price on printing. I really hope this helps.

    A single information foam board.
    Partial Exhibit wall with variety  of sizes of information boards.

    Katy Ingalls
    Harlem Museum Assistant Director (Curation)
    Harlem GA
    kingalls@harlemga.orgUSArmy, Retired

  • 5.  RE: Exhibit signage

    Posted 07-21-2021 12:28 PM
    Edited by Mark Riewestahl 07-21-2021 12:28 PM
    Hi Chris,

    I have found that the best solution to low-budget exhibits/displays is finding a company that can print high-res graphics on foam core. The "permanent" panels in this display where mounted using Scotch mounting tape. For the panels that are on rotation we use velcro command strips. The printing and installation cost of the whole case was ~$600. In terms of design, avoid chunky paragraphs and tell stories in the most engaging way possible. Also use bold and italics to set off different information such as dates, names, and statistics.

    Mark Riewestahl
    Exhibit Designer
    Stetten Museum of Medical Research NIH
    Washington DC