Hi Lisa,
We permit off-site use of specimens, but not outside use. Our teaching collection gets a lot of use; our scientific collection is much more limited. For requests, we consider of the location of the event and other activities taking place (class room, film studio for media event, conference, etc) as well as security considerations for the specimen (the container its in, whether handling is desired or permitted, transport packing and methods, etc).
We don't have a special form for off-site use; we just use our in-house loan form but it has a section for where the specimen will be used and for what purpose.
Dawn Roberts
Director of Collections
Chicago Academy of Sciences / Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
Chicago IL
Original Message:
Sent: 02-13-2018 09:37 AM
From: Lisa Petitta
Subject: using artifacts outside the museum
If an employee of the museum (the curator, education director or other employee) want to take an artifact outside the museum for a presentation, is there a policy and "form" they should complete? If so can someone share their policy and form?
Thank you,
Lisa Petitta
Collections Manager
Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum Trust, Inc.
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