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  • 1.  National Trust Award

    Posted 05-18-2018 10:17 AM
    The National Trust is currently accepting nominations for the Trustees Emeritus Award for Historic Sites Stewardship, which will be presented at the PastForward conference in San Francisco this fall. I'm wondering if there there any historic sites/museums you have visited or worked with recently that might be a good candidate for the award. A few possible ideas include 1) a site that has recently completed a major preservation project; 2) launched a new tour, app, or program; or 3) come up with a creative way to engage a new audience. I'd love to hear about them! You can find the full criteria for the award here and check out the 2016 winner if that helps give you some further inspiration.

    Kelly Schindler
    Associate Manager, Historic Sites Operations + Administration
    National Trust For Historic Preservation
    Washington DC