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  • 1.  Court Ordered Community Service Volunteers

    Posted 10-10-2018 12:17 PM
    I am the Volunteer Coordinator at the National Veterans Memorial & Museum in Columbus, OH. We are scheduled to open on October 27 and are thrilled!

    As a start-up museum, I am tasked with developing policies and procedures for our volunteer program.  ANY templates that you can share with me would be great appreciated. I am also interested in everyone's policy regarding Court Ordered Community Service Volunteers. Do you accept them?


    Laurie Manley

    Laurie Manley
    Volunteer Coordinator
    National Veterans Memorial & Museum
    Columbus OH

  • 2.  RE: Court Ordered Community Service Volunteers

    Posted 10-11-2018 10:04 AM
    Edited by Katherine Owens 10-11-2018 10:10 AM
    ​We don't have a policy specific to my museum but our governing body which is a state agency does regulate volunteers.  All our volunteers have to pass a criminal background check.  Here is what the policy states regarding court ordered volunteers

    Community Service/Court Appointed Volunteers

    1) Volunteer contacts facility wanting to serve hours.

    2) Facility agrees to let them serve their hours there pending background check and

    completes a Court Appointed/Community Service Volunteer Work Agreement.

    3) Facility faxes work agreement form to the Volunteer Coordinator.

    4) If agency/court requiring the hours provides a copy of the person's current background

    check, it is attached to the agreement and is sent to Volunteer Coordinator.

    Background check is reviewed by the Ranger Program.

    5) If background check is not provided, one is run by the Volunteer Coordinator then

    reviewed by the Ranger Program.

    6) The Volunteer Coordinator will notify the facility of the background check results.

    7) If the person is cleared to work, the facility will notify the volunteer and they will agree

    on a schedule.

    8) At the end of service, the facility records the number of hours worked on the Court

    Appointed/Community Service Volunteer Work Agreement and faxes a copy of the

    updated form to the Volunteer Coordinator.

    The application the potential volunteer completes states while conviction of a criminal violation doesn't automatically bar them from volunteering, Each application is reviewed on a case by case basis and that falsification of any information on the application is grounds for denial or their immediate dismissal.

    I hope that helps.

    Katherine Owens
    Curator of Collections
    Missouri State Museum
    Jefferson City, MO

  • 3.  RE: Court Ordered Community Service Volunteers

    Posted 10-11-2018 11:45 AM
    You might want to check with your county and state Department of Labor for their forms and regulations. My husband ran a program with New Jersey Youth Corps for Community service projects (included court ordered and regular volunteers) and the state, county and even the town had all those templates available for him.

    Laura Petrovich-Cheney
    cell: 732-859-4919


  • 4.  RE: Court Ordered Community Service Volunteers

    Posted 10-11-2018 02:20 PM
      |   view attached

    Hi Laura

    Congratulations on your soon to be open institution!  Our volunteer program does include accepting volunteers who are part of the Deferred Prosecution Unit (community service)  Below is our background check guidelines as well as attached.

    Background Check Guidelines

    Madison Children's Museum will hire volunteers on a rolling basis and take the following into account: 

    ·         Does the applicant have prior records of violence against children or the elderly?

    ·         Does the applicant have prior incidences of violence towards co-workers?

    ·         Does the applicant have prior records of violence or battery?

    ·         Does the applicant have prior records of theft, robbery, or shoplifting? (Only considered in cases where the volunteer would be handling money.)

    Note: Applicants charged or under investigation for violence against children or the elderly, violence towards co-workers, and/or violence or battery will not be admitted into the program.

    If an individual fails their background check, Madison Children's Museum will review the applicant's file and make decisions about the hiring of that individual.

    Madison Children's Museum will consider the following factors in regards to hiring volunteers and background checks:

    1.       The nature and gravity of the offense or conviction that is reported on the background check

    2.       The amount of time that has passed since the conviction or/and completion of the sentence

    3.       The nature of the volunteer position

    Special accommodations will be made for individuals hired with an offense on their background check including but not limited to:

    ·         Supervision at all times

    ·         Regular check-ins with coordinators and supervisors

    ·         Conversation with the individual about the background check





    Sandra Bonnici

    Associate Director of Education, Diversity, and Inclusion

    Preferred Pronouns She/Her/Hers
    Madison Children's Museum
    100 N. Hamilton Street
    Madison, WI 53703
    Direct Line: 608.354.0542
    Main line: 608.256.6445 x542

    Fax: 608.268.1398






  • 5.  RE: Court Ordered Community Service Volunteers

    Posted 10-12-2018 04:29 PM

    Yes, we use them all the time, mostly for special events, and they are hit or miss. When we get adults they do incredibly well and are glad to be here rather than paying a fine. When we get teenagers, not so much. We always specify the type we will accept – no theft, no drugs, no violence of any kind - which limits the pool but I would rather be safe than sorry. We always put them together with either staff or senior volunteers so they are not left on their own, and we generally use them for set-up, parking lot detail, that sort of thing. But since we are located near a military base we sometimes get really high quality folks in which case we use them in more meaningful positions. We have even had some who came to us via this program that stayed on as full-fledged volunteers. Definitely worth the effort in this day and age.


    Karen E. Stone

    Museum Division Manager

    St. Mary's County MD

    Cell #240-925-0293

    Office #301-769-3235


  • 6.  RE: Court Ordered Community Service Volunteers

    Posted 10-15-2018 12:12 PM
    So many of my projects would have never been completed without the help of community service programs. I first was introduced to this option because the museum where I was director was funded in part through the county’s youth development/delinquency prevention program. We wanted to not just have extra help, but serve the youth needs at the same time. Lots of direct supervision was key, and as a result you saw skill development happen. My most rewarding moment was when I learned that a young man who worked with me (a son of a homeless woman) had enrolled in university.

    James Bryant
    SOJOURN Science - Nature - Education
    Santa Fe, NM